
Top 10 high fibre foods for constipation

Dietary fibre is an essential nutrients required to keep your digestive system healthy 

Rich source of dietary fiber are whole fruits, grains, vegetables, legumes, seeds & nuts

For good health, we need atleast 25 to 35 grams of fibre per day.

Medium Brush Stroke

Types of fibre

Soluble fibre:

which dissolves in water

includes chia seeds, nuts, beans, lentils, oatmeal,  blueberries, & apples

helps to lower glucose level & cholesterol

Medium Brush Stroke

Types of fibre

Insoluble fibre:

includes whole wheat products, legumes, brown rice, leafy green, quinoa, almonds, & walnuts

which does not dissolve in water

improve digestive system & prevent constipation

Whole wheat products :

Whole wheat products contains more fibre rather than refined flour.

100 grams of whole wheat flour contains 10-12 grams of fibre.

Brown Rice:

100 grams of brown rice contains 3-4 grams of fibre.

Replace white rice with least processed brown rice.


They are rich in proteins, fibre & essential vitamins & minerals.

A cup of legumes provide 50% fibre of daily value.

It helps to increase good gut bacteria.


A half cup of cooked oats contain 5 grams of fibre.

It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Oatmeal is rich in fibre, minerals, & antioxidant.


It also help to reduce bad cholesterol & increase good cholesterol.

They are good source of fibre, protein, & iron.

It helps to reduce blood sugar level.


One cup of cooked quinoa contains 5 grms of fibre

It is rich in protein, fibre, manganese,folate, zinc, & antioxidants.

It is a good alernatives for those who are intolerant of gluten & wheat.


100 grams of air popped popcorn contains 14 grams of fibre.

It is an easiest & healthy way to include fibre.

They are high in fibre & low in calories.

Chia seeds:

It can be added in oatmeal, smoothie, granola bars, salad or yogurt 

Chia seeds are great source of fibre, protein & omega 3 fatty acids


It includes more than 3 grams of fibre in one serving.

Almonds & walnuts are good source of fibre, protein & healthy fats

It can be consumed in dry roasted or nut butter form


One apple contains approximately 4 grams of fibre

Apples contains both soluble and insoluble fibre